'Check out my vlog of me and my bro working out at the Clinton Maryland. Today we hit chest and arms. I hope that you enjoyed my video! Stay tuned for more to come! Workouts Viewed: Warm-Up TRX Tricep Extensions TRX Straight Arm Raises Hanging Leg Raises Flat Bench Press (3x15) Plate Press(3x12) Incline Dumbell Press (4x8) 54s (2sets) Tricep Circuit (4 rounds) Tricep Kickback (5 each arm) Tricep Cable Press (10 reps) Tricep Overhead Extension (10 reps) Social Media Fitness Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/cannon_gainz27 Personal Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/__thebra1n James’s Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/coldblooded_ace Music by: More Better Music Group©️ “NEP” https://www.instagram.com/_mbmg'
Tags: fitness , cardio , gym , howto , chest , To , how , highintensity , hiit , Train , weightloss , fatloss , gains , Go , aesthetic , bulking , Dumbells , gainz , burncalories , teamwork , chipotle , preworkout , planetfitness , mensphysique , calesthenics , weightgain , newgym , howtobulk , gympartner , spotter , CHESTDAY , smithmachine , freeweight , refuel , postgym , postgymmeal , flagpole , invertedpullups , hammercurls , thepump , cannongainz , howtoburncalories , bulkseason
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